To Participate In Grad...
Participation in Graduation Exercises
Convocation will be held at the end of May or beginning of June each year. Students will only be placed on the grad list if they are enrolled in the necessary courses and credits at BMC to fulfill graduation requirements.
IN ADDITION, students will need to meet the following criteria:
»» BMC Courses
Students must be registered in and having passing marks (50% +) on the second report card issued for Semester Two in the courses required to achieve an Alberta High School Diploma (Quarter One, Two, and Three courses will be based on final marks). Students must also be in attendance and have received marks from Buck Mountain Central School for either the first semester, second semester, or both (i.e. a student may complete the requirements in Semester One or a student may transfer into the school for Semester Two).
»» BMC Learning Commons
Students enrolled in the BMC Learning Commons for required courses should have any work turned in by May 1 to ensure adequate time for work to be marked and grades calculated for the official grad list.
»» All Other Courses
Any other course work being taken outside of BMC must be completed by May 1 and the program provider must verify successful course completion (50% +) to the BMC office.
»» Student Fee Accounts
Student Fee Accounts must be in good standing with the school. Failure to meet these requirements will result in removal of the student from the Grad list and he/she will not be allowed to participate in Graduation Exercises.