Box 30, 460050 Range Road 61A
Buck Lake , Alberta T0C 0T0
Phone: 780-388-3900
Email: bm@wrps11.ca
Due to the cancellation of classes we want to ensure students have access to the school to retrieve their belongings.
If you are sick and/or exhibiting symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, fatigue, headaches, muscle aches, or any other symptoms that seem like a mild cold/flu) please do not come to the school. Please adhere to the recommended 14-day isolation period. We will not permit entry to any person exhibiting the previously mentioned symptoms.
Please see the attached schedule by students last name.
Box 30, 460050 Range Road 61A
Buck Lake , Alberta T0C 0T0
Phone: 780-388-3900
Email: bm@wrps11.ca