Happy Holidays

As we draw closer to Christmas Break, I just wanted to wish you all a safe and happy holiday season and send a reminder to our BMC community regarding learning expectations following the break.
We won't have any students at BMC for January 4 - 8, but students are expected to continue engaging in their classes as they have since November 30. School will re-open for in-person learning on January 11.
It is the expectation that students attend the daily Meets with their teachers and complete their daily work as assigned. Teachers provide lessons and instructions for assignments in the Meets. They also provide direction on what work needs to be completed at home that day.
Attendance is taken through Powerschool. If your child is unable to attend one or more of the meets, please contact the school as you would during in-school learning. We will work together with you to ensure that your child's learning is not interrupted and mark attendance accordingly.
Our goal is to continue your child's education and provide support for them to be successful in their learning during the week of January 4 - 8, 2021. Thank you all for your continued commitment to this change.
Wishing you a joyous and restful break,
Jon Meyers
Buck Mountain Central School