Hello from the Buck Mountain Central School PAC and Fundraising Society!
My name is Christine Woods, I’m the current chair with 3 kids (all went through Winfield and BMC) and a husband who has been trying to work from home with our terrible connections. We live way east, past Twin Lakes. I grew up here and I know many of the old time families west right to Alder Flats. I have a background in forestry and have worked throughout Alberta in that field. Our son Quinn is our youngest, now in grade 12, so I’m almost done with the school years! It’s been almost 25 years and while I will miss it, I’m looking forward to passing the torch!
Our Vice this year is Donna Glenn who lives at Buck Lake. Our Treasurer is Shannon Hancock out Winfield way and Secretary is Heidi Plotts, Alder Flats area. Thank you to everyone who has stepped up!
We’re still looking for help with a Fundraising Coordinator if anyone is interested. Please join us on the meetings, we try to keep them short but do a round table wrap up at the end to meet and greet or just hear from everyone about their life/challenges.
The last 2 years have been more than challenging in trying to be a school council and/or do any fundraising. With a school area from Alder Flats to almost Battle Lake, it’s tough to meet any of the new families so this note in the school newsletter is one of the few ways to make that happen.
Our current bank balance is $1595.39. We aren’t able to do a lot with that so are hoping to make it much bigger. Our only fundraiser last year was the FundScript program – please use if you are giving gift cards as it’s so easy to make this work and they come very quickly.
Last year the only money we spent was on a ‘grad survival basket’ at about $30/basket that each graduate got and hopefully enjoyed! We also gave a gift to our long time treasurer, Joyce Brown who was done at BMC.
Ideas to date for fundraising are:
TruEarth (Canadian based) – laundry and general cleaning strips, beeswax covers – no bottles and you can set up a delivery for monthly, 6 weeks etc. I’m working on this one as I use the products and love them. 20% back to the school fundraising society. https://fundraising.tru.earth/BuckMountainCentral
Value Village – all donations done by our parents are kept track of and then we receive $ back. Shannon is looking into this one.
Please feel free to contact me at 780-682-2165 (landline) or at mdwoods@telusplanet.net for questions or ideas.
Christine Woods