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Principal’s Message RE: Alberta Education Assurance Survey

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Dear Parents and Guardians of Grade 7 and Grade 10 Students:

If you have not already received a letter in the mail from Alberta Education regarding the Alberta Education Assurance Survey, you will be soon.  This survey supports schools, provincially and at the district level in planning for education in our province.  This survey is completely voluntary and anonymous.

In the letter you receive in the mail you will find a link to complete the survey online and a random access code. Your code is not linked to you or your student. Additionally, if you would like to complete the survey by phone instead, there is a number on the letter to contact to set that up. 

Additionally, at BMC we are inviting parents of students in grades 7 and 10 to the school in person to complete the survey online during Parent Teacher Interviews on March 16th, 2022 from 4pm - 7pm.  We will set up computers in the Library for parents and guardians to log in and complete the survey.  This way, if you have any questions we are there to help! 

Students in grade 7 and 10 will also complete the survey. We will be supporting them to complete it this week during their regular classes. Any student who is absent will be pulled at an alternate time to complete it in the Library.  

The Alberta Education Assurance Survey will be open until March 25th, 2022, we would ask that all parents and guardians who are able complete the survey before this date.  If you have any questions, please reach out to the school or the contact indicated in the letter itself. 


Nicole Townsend

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