There are a lot of scary misconceptions around how kids are using social media. Unfortunately, parents and educators are proceeding with uninformed fear, because of it. Jo Phillips and Joe Whitbread from Jo(e) Social Media in Lacombe, Alberta are coming to our school on September 14, 2022, to help start a social media conversation.
They’ll spend the day with us in classes, then meet back at the school for a parent’s presentation at night. We hope you’ll come too.
Since 2015, the Jo(e)s have traveled the province, offering help to kids and parents in a social media and digital world. Join us to learn just how powerful and safe kids can be when they have our support and learn from first-hand research what kids are actually doing on the platforms we all use, every day.
Join The Jo(e)s at our school on September 14, 2022 at 5:00 p.m., for an insightful and valuable conversation about the ways all of us are raising children, in a very digital world.
For more information about the Jo(e)s, please visit