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The 2019 NASP (National Archery in the Schools Program) Provincial Shoot

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The 2019 NASP (National Archery in the Schools Program) Provincial shoot was held March 14-16 at the Expo Centre in Edmonton. Buck Mountain Central was well represented this year! We had 8 students along with 20 from Alder Flats Elementary school shoot on Saturday night.  Congratulations to Melissa Schwengler for being our top shooter scoring 269 points of a possible 300; finishing 8th out of 41 grade 11 ladies (31st of 713 girls!)Congratulations to Tristen Narkaus who scored 262 points in his debut competition (12th out of 36 grade 11 gentlemen); Morgan Schwengler also scored 262 points finishing 16th of 119 in his grade.  Also rocking the competition were Jordan Hopfe in her final year of competition, Noah Schwengler, Quinn Woods, Devyn Malka and Jaden Williams.  Thank-you so much to all the parents that came to support our archery club!

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